Career Pathway Champion
This position serves as an assistant to OMED’s Corporate Relations Manager in conjunction with the OMED Career Pathway Graduate Assistant, and the Career Pathway Initiative (CPI).
The holder of the position will provide promotional, administrative, and event support of assigned program(s).
This position will interact, support, and assist on a consistent basis with the academic and administrative management and staff with a school or center and across campus, vendors, and sponsors.
Challenge Counselor
Challenge is OMED’s signature academic preparation program. It is a six-week intensive program that is held every summer for incoming first year students. In Challenge, students are immersed in the Georgia Tech environment; they live in a freshman dorm, take classes provided by Georgia Tech professors, and participate in social and academic workshops provided by upperclassmen.
Challenge Counselors are a significant part of the Challenge program. Challenge Counselors reside in the dorms with Challenge participants. Challenge Counselors serve as role models, peer mentors, and campus success coaches to incoming freshmen and assistants to OMED staff throughout the six-week intensive summer program.
Challenge Community Manager
The Challenge Community Manager (CCM) is the primary live-in staff manager of the Challenge program residence halls and is responsible for the oversight and supervision of all Challenge Counselor duties and responsibilities. The CCM, also serves as the point of contact for all “day of” vendor relations and managing the overall participant experience in the residence hall. Additionally, the CCM is charged with providing our students with a learning community in which they can live and learn comfortably and develop to their highest potential. The CCM facilitates a safe and learning community environment conducive to academic and personal growth while reflecting the mission and philosophy of the Challenge program, OMED, and Georgia Tech.
Challenge START Leader
Challenge START is a year-long peer mentoring and leadership development program designed to support Challenge students during their first or 2nd year at Georgia Tech. Incoming students are paired with a successful upperclassman, or START Leader, who serves as a peer mentor and offers support to help new students acclimate academically, professionally and socially during their first year.
Office Assistant
Primary Customer Service Representative (CSR) for the organization with a predisposition that every customer inquiry can and should be solved with the first contact. Problem solving is an absolute must! It is always necessary to maintain a professional posture in all dealings due the unofficial designation as OMED’s face and voice. Also assists OMED staff with program/event needs.
OMED Tutor
OMED Tutors are the driving force behind our broad Academic Enrichment resources. Tutors are highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students with a desire to positively impact their campus community.
OMED Tutors (or study session facilitators) work predefined hours each week, either in OMED’s ILARC located Chapin Building (681 Cherry Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30332) or remote locations as assigned.