Since 1995, the Tower Awards have celebrated the academic achievements of students at Georgia Tech.
2024 Tower Awards was held on April 4, 2024!
For Students
- Your Tower Award invite will be emailed to your gatech.edu email address. Please register early as space is very limited.
- To register, you must use the links provided in this email.
- If you register as attending and do not attend, you will be considered a “No Show” and will NOT receive your award.
- If you register as not attending you will receive an email notification within two weeks providing instructions to receive your award.
- During registration take a moment to ensure your name is properly spelled, and your major and/or school is accurate.
- For 29 years, the Tower Awards have celebrated the academic achievements of students at Georgia Tech. This year’s ceremony celebrating the academic achievements of students who have achieved a 3.25 GPA or higher will be held on April 10, 2025 at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center.
“Awards like these speak volumes to the impact and value that students bring to both the Georgia Tech Community and around the world.”
Nyemkuna Fortingo
Undergraduate student, School of Chemistry and BiochemistryTower Award Eligibility
Tower awards recognize the academic success and performance of students across the entire matriculation cycle for all classifications and major. For eligibility by category see award criteria information under policies and student registration information.